Welcome to our “Tips” home page.  In this section, you will find tips related to our 8-Step Process.  As you read through these tips you’ll notice that they are not mutually exclusive.  That’s because each step of our 8-Step Process builds on the previous steps.  

It is possible to implement them in a different order, but the real power is found when you do them in sequence.  But be careful, implementing steps out of order may cause confusion and distrust among your employees.


To begin, here is our 8-Step Process:


  1. Relate everything back to reason for being Tip #1

  1. Operationalize the M V V TIP #2

  1. Measure and communicate what’s important Tip #3

  1. Relentless focus on employee engagement Tip #4

  1. Create a culture around patients/customers Tip #5

  1. Develop leaders (current and future) Tip #6

  1. Communicate with everyone Tip #7

  1. Celebrate (reward and recognize) Tip #8